Sunday, February 11, 2018

5 Effortless Steps To Becoming A Morning Person

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if living the life of a morning person were something that came more easily to us all? Just imagine all that we could accomplish with having some of that extra time each day! But unfortunately, for those of us who are natural born night-owls, it's never been quite that simple, until now!

"The early bird catches the worm."

It's no secret that some of the most successful people out there are indeed morning people. Which makes a huge amount of sense, they're more willing to make the most out of their time and not waste a moment of the life they've been given. Which is pretty darn admirable. So without further ado, today I will be sharing with you five of my absolute favorite and effortless tips that have helped me to rise and shine more often! It will take some time and practice for your new habits to form, but these are definitely things that can and will have you well on your way to transitioning into that early-bird you've secretly always wanted to be!


Please allow me to start off this list by being a total captain obvious for a second...Getting the proper amount of sleep is VITAL. Not just for this, but for life in general. I mean, as much as we all would love it, we simply cannot spend our entire night up until the crack of dawn, binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix and then expect to wake up at a decent hour to take on the day like a boss, it just ain't happening. Now obviously, I don't have a way of knowing when your head actually hits the pillow at night, but my best guess is, that since you're reading this, attempting to drift off to dreamland a little sooner than usual, couldn't hurt!

Setting up a proper morning routine will be very beneficial to you in the process of becoming more of a morning person. Starting your routine in the evening will help you get the proper amount of rest you need in order to make waking up bright and early seem a little less painful. I typically start my routine settling down about an hour or so before bed. I'll make an effort to turn off most electronics, brush my teeth and wash my face, then I'll sit down and find something relaxing to do such as reading my devotional, so I can allow my mind to slow its roll for the night.

Then loosely planning out some things that can help you get up and get moving is crucial. I don't know about you, but if I lump around on the couch after getting up out of bed, I just end up focusing even more on how tired I am. So, you're actually doing yourself a favor by diving into the day! You don't have to overly complicate this process, start out small by making the bed, grabbing a bite to eat, then taking a nice long shower to give yourself a boost of energy. You'll be left feeling less tired and more productive. I mean, that's a total win, right?  

Don't roll your eyes at me, you know you spend hours before bed scrolling through social media until the very last minute. But trust me, if you put forth an effort to put that bad habit to an end, you're not going to regret it. I had a bit of an eye-roll moment myself when this suggestion first came to my attention. But when I stopped and really thought about it, I came to the realization that with each night I spent scrolling before bed, I had also spent hours laying wide awake after, completely unable to sleep or even relax.

I wasn't allowing myself any of the time I needed to settle down, my brain just wasn't ready to turn on sleep-mode quite yet. If you're serious about becoming a morning person, turn off those screens! Put away the phones, the tablets, and the computers and let yourself have some much-needed rest. All of those tweets from your favorite celeb's will still be there for you to catch up on tomorrow, I promise!

When your bedroom is still dark, it's easy to convince yourself that you still have more than enough time to keep sleeping, and that's why leaving your curtains open the night before should be immediately put on your to-do list! Waking up to natural sunlight is such a blessing, I mean, think about it. Wouldn't you much rather be woken up by a fresh beam of golden sunlight instead of the completely dreadful and abrupt sound of your nearby alarm clock? I've gotten to the point now, where I start to wake up to the sunlight before my alarm is even set to go off, which is the most wonderful feeling!

When it comes to hitting that snooze button as your alarm goes off in the morning, the temptation can be real. But, the easiest solution to this problem, is to set your alarm clock away from your reach and as far away from the comfort of your own bed as possible! Yes, I totally recognize that this step may not sound very appealing, but girl, I swear it'll help. Let that sweet sound of silence be the perfect motivation to get yourself up and running! No more snoozing, for you!

So for those of you who have read all the way to this point, and are more than ready to take on the challenge of becoming an early-bird, this is an extra step that is super essential to your new lifestyle! Now that you'll be having more time in the morning, breakfast doesn't have to be so rushed. Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee and running out the door, take some time to treat yourself to a proper meal!

Whether your plan is to make yourself a nice stack of waffles, eggs and bacon or even something as simple as a big bowl of your most favorite cereal, planning out and putting together a nice breakfast can be a terrific way to jumpstart your entire day! It's always important to reward yourself for a job well done and we all need that perfect amount of fuel for our bodies so that we can go on to get as much accomplished as possible!


There you have it, lovelies! After following these oh-so-simple steps, you'll be well on your way to transitioning into a morning person! Life is so short and unbelievably precious. It's time we embrace those early hours and make the most out of every second we have here on this earth!

Don't forget to reach out and get in touch with me on social media! I would absolutely love to know which one of these steps you think will help you out the most! 


  1. As a natural night owl trying to become a morning person, I really enjoyed this post! Getting enough sleep and my alarm clock has been my biggest weakness. I've been going to sleep somewhat earlier,but I still need at least two alarms to wake up.

    I also like your tip about letting the sunshine in and giving yourself a treat. I normally just have cereal on the weekdays because it's quick. I would love to wake up earlier to treat myself with something different.

    1. Thank you so much, Amber! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. Treating myself to a nice breakfast has been super encouraging since I love food! haha!

  2. Love these tips! I have never been a morning person but these are some tips I’ll have to try! Loved the post! x

    1. Thank you, Amber! I haven't either. But after using these tips I will say I've come much closer than I used to be! Have a wonderful day, girl!

  3. Aw, thank you so much for this, I'm not a morning person and always try to be one. This such helpful tips I should try. Thank you for sharing.
