Sunday, February 25, 2018

6 Empowering Quotes For Single Women

I think Valentine's Day can be somewhat of a difficult holiday for us single gals to get through. Even if we've come to complete terms with not being involved with someone, we still can't help but feel a little left out sometimes. But since the day has come and gone, I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you some of my favorite, mood-boosting, inspirational quotes for single women!

Each quote tells a different story, teaches us a different lesson, and I hope that within at least one of these, you'll find something that will help you through something you might be dealing with. Whether that be realizing your true worth or acknowledging that no relationship, is better than the wrong one. Without further ado, let's dive on in! 


1. “Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…But don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.” - Mandy Hale
This was the first quote to really catch my eye when I went in search of some inspiring words to share with you all and it's remained my favorite throughout this entire list. Mandy Hale shared such an important message with us in this. I think it's very easy for the idea of finding love to become our main focus in life, but it's important we take the time to stop and smell the roses! This is our time to focus on ourselves and live life the way we desire! I mean, seriously, we won't be single forever, girls! We should enjoy this time while we still can.

2. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” - Coco Chanel
I think almost every young woman has had a moment of weakness, where we start to set aside who we really are in order to impress someone else. But the truth is, nothing is worth that sacrifice, not even a relationship. If you're interested in someone who can't appreciate the real you, then politely show them to the door because they simply do not belong in your life, but there is most definitely someone out there who will absolutely love the real you, so embrace who you are now, and practice allowing that true beauty to shine through!

3. "Being single is better than being in the wrong relationship." - unknown 
I had to learn this one the hard way. After the end of my first real relationship, I decided to give dating another shot not long after, but looking back on it, I should have waited. The incredibly short-lived relationship I became apart of caused me so much frustration and insecurity...But from that experience, I was taught the lesson of not being so quick to jump on the first opportunity that came my way.

If I would have waited, I would have saved myself the pain and aggravation as well as my valuable time. You see, being on your own will always be better for you than running around with someone who isn't treating you the way you deserve to be treated. Taking things slow, and waiting for the kind of person you could truly see yourself spending your time with, is incredibly important and until that man walks into your life, take time to enjoy the ride! Being single can actually be kind of fun!

4. “Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.” - unknown                                                           
We all know it can be pretty darn disappointing when things we once thought were going to be so wonderful for us, end up dragging us down and causing us more harm than good. That can be anything, old dreams we have that just won't work, toxic friendships, wrong opportunities, and yes, romantic relationships. But when you're smart enough to know in your heart when it's time to end things and then strong enough to actually let it go, that's how you know there's always going to be something better in store for you.

5. “She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up.” - Stacey Ballis
The kind of woman that has been described here, is the kind of woman I find myself striving to be. There really isn't all that much I can say about this, except for that we all should be perfectly happy to wait for that day, when the man who is good enough for us, does show up. 

6. "A woman who realizes her worth is a dangerous woman." - Alicia Ramos 
You may have noticed that this particular quote was featured at the beginning of this article, and that's for a very good reason. It's very easy for us women to forget just how valuable we are in this world, recognizing our worth isn't always something that comes naturally. Sure, there are a handful of women who have no trouble seeing their value which is absolutely amazing but there are also women out there like myself, who have to put in a little extra effort to be kinder to ourselves. 

When we choose to embrace who we are and believe in ourselves while accepting that we're not perfect and working to improve with each day, confidence will undoubtedly begin to build up. When we're able to tap into our inner strength and recognize our true worth, we're capable of absolutely anything.

If you enjoyed any of these quotes, be sure to take a moment to share this article with some other single women who may be in need of some encouragement! Also, feel free to follow me on social media to stay up to date on future blog posts. I absolutely love chatting and making new friends, so don't be afraid to reach out! What was your favorite quote on this list? 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE THIS ARTICLE ON: Why I'm Okay With Being Single This Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 11, 2018

5 Effortless Steps To Becoming A Morning Person

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if living the life of a morning person were something that came more easily to us all? Just imagine all that we could accomplish with having some of that extra time each day! But unfortunately, for those of us who are natural born night-owls, it's never been quite that simple, until now!

"The early bird catches the worm."

It's no secret that some of the most successful people out there are indeed morning people. Which makes a huge amount of sense, they're more willing to make the most out of their time and not waste a moment of the life they've been given. Which is pretty darn admirable. So without further ado, today I will be sharing with you five of my absolute favorite and effortless tips that have helped me to rise and shine more often! It will take some time and practice for your new habits to form, but these are definitely things that can and will have you well on your way to transitioning into that early-bird you've secretly always wanted to be!


Please allow me to start off this list by being a total captain obvious for a second...Getting the proper amount of sleep is VITAL. Not just for this, but for life in general. I mean, as much as we all would love it, we simply cannot spend our entire night up until the crack of dawn, binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix and then expect to wake up at a decent hour to take on the day like a boss, it just ain't happening. Now obviously, I don't have a way of knowing when your head actually hits the pillow at night, but my best guess is, that since you're reading this, attempting to drift off to dreamland a little sooner than usual, couldn't hurt!

Setting up a proper morning routine will be very beneficial to you in the process of becoming more of a morning person. Starting your routine in the evening will help you get the proper amount of rest you need in order to make waking up bright and early seem a little less painful. I typically start my routine settling down about an hour or so before bed. I'll make an effort to turn off most electronics, brush my teeth and wash my face, then I'll sit down and find something relaxing to do such as reading my devotional, so I can allow my mind to slow its roll for the night.

Then loosely planning out some things that can help you get up and get moving is crucial. I don't know about you, but if I lump around on the couch after getting up out of bed, I just end up focusing even more on how tired I am. So, you're actually doing yourself a favor by diving into the day! You don't have to overly complicate this process, start out small by making the bed, grabbing a bite to eat, then taking a nice long shower to give yourself a boost of energy. You'll be left feeling less tired and more productive. I mean, that's a total win, right?  

Don't roll your eyes at me, you know you spend hours before bed scrolling through social media until the very last minute. But trust me, if you put forth an effort to put that bad habit to an end, you're not going to regret it. I had a bit of an eye-roll moment myself when this suggestion first came to my attention. But when I stopped and really thought about it, I came to the realization that with each night I spent scrolling before bed, I had also spent hours laying wide awake after, completely unable to sleep or even relax.

I wasn't allowing myself any of the time I needed to settle down, my brain just wasn't ready to turn on sleep-mode quite yet. If you're serious about becoming a morning person, turn off those screens! Put away the phones, the tablets, and the computers and let yourself have some much-needed rest. All of those tweets from your favorite celeb's will still be there for you to catch up on tomorrow, I promise!

When your bedroom is still dark, it's easy to convince yourself that you still have more than enough time to keep sleeping, and that's why leaving your curtains open the night before should be immediately put on your to-do list! Waking up to natural sunlight is such a blessing, I mean, think about it. Wouldn't you much rather be woken up by a fresh beam of golden sunlight instead of the completely dreadful and abrupt sound of your nearby alarm clock? I've gotten to the point now, where I start to wake up to the sunlight before my alarm is even set to go off, which is the most wonderful feeling!

When it comes to hitting that snooze button as your alarm goes off in the morning, the temptation can be real. But, the easiest solution to this problem, is to set your alarm clock away from your reach and as far away from the comfort of your own bed as possible! Yes, I totally recognize that this step may not sound very appealing, but girl, I swear it'll help. Let that sweet sound of silence be the perfect motivation to get yourself up and running! No more snoozing, for you!

So for those of you who have read all the way to this point, and are more than ready to take on the challenge of becoming an early-bird, this is an extra step that is super essential to your new lifestyle! Now that you'll be having more time in the morning, breakfast doesn't have to be so rushed. Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee and running out the door, take some time to treat yourself to a proper meal!

Whether your plan is to make yourself a nice stack of waffles, eggs and bacon or even something as simple as a big bowl of your most favorite cereal, planning out and putting together a nice breakfast can be a terrific way to jumpstart your entire day! It's always important to reward yourself for a job well done and we all need that perfect amount of fuel for our bodies so that we can go on to get as much accomplished as possible!


There you have it, lovelies! After following these oh-so-simple steps, you'll be well on your way to transitioning into a morning person! Life is so short and unbelievably precious. It's time we embrace those early hours and make the most out of every second we have here on this earth!

Don't forget to reach out and get in touch with me on social media! I would absolutely love to know which one of these steps you think will help you out the most! 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Why I'm Okay With Being Single This Valentine's Day

February typically isn't a month that we single gals eagerly look forward to. For me personally, it's almost always been a month that I would deeply dread as all of the heart-shaped candies, roses, and overpriced teddy bears would steadily come out to make their annual appearances. But this year, I'm choosing to change my generally bad attitude towards this holiday and look at Valentine's Day with a whole new perspective.

"Just because I'm not linked to someone romantically at this time, doesn't mean that there isn't love in my life."

Valentine's Day has never been my thing, while the idea of a gushy holiday full of romantic gestures may sound wonderful for those in a relationship, it's not so great for those of us who aren't. I'll be honest here, I've definitely done my fair share of eye-rolling at those couples who can't seem to get enough of proclaiming the love they have for their significant others throughout the day on social media, documenting every little moment as they celebrate.

Now I totally recognize that I'm coming off as incredibly bitter at this time, but I promise you, I've got my mind set on having a wonderful Valentine's Day this year, despite not being involved in a relationship, because, for the first time in my life, I am completely cool and so happy with being single...So allow me to explain why I'm more than okay with spending this one alone, and why I'm  going to have the best Valentine's Day ever.

I've never properly celebrated this holiday before, I've never had the chance due to feeling incredibly excluded from Valentines Day festivities for obvious reasons, but this one is going to be different because I'll be celebrating in my own way. I'm just so over the whole "I hate Valentines Day" thing at this point, I'm only making myself more miserable by dwelling on it, so for once I'll embrace what's to come.

Truth be told I'm still not entirely sure how I'll be celebrating the day, but I do have a few ideas in mind, even if it's something as simple as grabbing take-out from my favorite restaurant and binge-watching all of the Spider-Man movies made. (Andrew Garfield films very much excluded) Seriously, it's time I allow myself to have a little fun, no relationship? No problem! I'm attempting to love myself, so I'll celebrate with just me! 

I know, I know. It may sound rather cliché since I feel like almost every single gal out there uses her career as an excuse for being single, but at this particular moment in time, it's true. I am fully committed to my work, and I'm not just talking about my boring ole' day job. I'm talking about my writing, my actual dream, the most important thing to me outside of my family.

Between working hard, chasing all of my dreams of becoming a full-time blogger, freelance writer, and author, along with working the job I am now in order to somewhat support myself financially, this stage of my life has been dedicated to figuring out how to make those goals and aspirations of mine actually happen. Not to mention, I'm still trying to learn more about who I am as a person through my work and try to find out what it is I want out of life.

Unless someone undeniably special comes waltzing into my life in the very near future, I don't think that I would have the time for a serious relationship, and I'm completely fine with having this time for me and what I want to do, and no, that's not selfish...We all need a little time for ourselves before we go off and commit to someone else. 

You know, just because I'm not linked to someone romantically at this time, doesn't mean that there isn't love in my life. In fact, I think love will be the one thing I'll always have no matter what. I'm lucky enough to have a whole family that cares about me, from my parents and my brother to my little dog, Posey, who loves me so much that I can't step out of the house for 5 minutes without her acting like I've been gone for an entire year.

Then my incredibly loving mother always thinks of me during this holiday, she puts together a card and some goodies that never fail to make me go all misty-eyed. Being the amazing person that she is, she would never want me to feel excluded, and she sets an excellent example that this particular holiday doesn't need to be about only couples and romance, but it should overall share the message of showing your loved ones that you care. 

While I've come to the conclusion that I'd be perfectly fine by myself if God decided that was the way it should be, I don't think I'll stay single foreverI always say that I'm not interested in dating right now, and that's the honest truth. But I also won't be silly and avoid someone who is undeniably my soulmate, when someone special does come into my life, I have to accept that opportunity. 

But I honestly haven't the slightest clue how long I'll be celebrating this day without a man in my life, it could be years or I could have someone with me for the next one, there's just no way of knowing for sure. But as of right now, it's just me, and there's no reason why I can't enjoy the occasion with friends and family instead! 

I'm not someone who is very good under pressure, if anything I totally buckle, and when it comes to buying gifts for someone, it majorly stresses me out. It's horrifying. With the exception of close family members, I never, ever know what to get for anyone, and will most likely panic at the thought of getting a gift that they wouldn't completely dislike or already have bought for themselves.

Then, adding in the element of having to buy something spectacular for your significant other, adds a whole other level of stress. I'm definitely not one of those people who believe it's only the woman that should get something for Valentine's Day, there are some amazing men out there that deserve presents, too! But I'm horrible at gift giving, another year of feeling no pressure is something I'll very much appreciate while it lasts.


This year I'm making an effort to choose happiness, a good attitude can open up a world of opportunity and I'm no longer interested in sitting around like a grouch, grumbling about all of the couples out there posting about what their significant others did for them on social media. Instead, I'll be minding my own business, allowing everyone to have their moment while I enjoy the holiday my own way. Treating myself to a nice takeout meal, and spending some quality time with my wonderful family...Now, what will you do to celebrate?